"Trojan Evolve"
"Evolve. Use One Every Time."
Putting aside the whole assumption of Evolution for a minute....(this is not easy).
Excuse me...but if you use one every time...and there is therefore NO procreation (ZERO) ...how exactly can you evolve?
Now what do they call this? Oh yeah! It's called... STUPID! So, I had to understand what this all meant. I checked out the Internet. Little did I know that there was a whole big campaign that even included commercials using live pigs. (I guess I better increase my TV viewing time, because I was missing out on the genius advertising of Trojans)
They have a web site to support this ridiculous campaign: http://www.evolveoneevolveall.com
On the web site you can take a test to see "how evolved you are". Look they even have a picture of the "missing link"!

It is amazing how a simple theory of adaptation has been blown up into the propaganda that humans evolved from pigs (or monkeys, or apes or whatever)
Here is another logo:

Oh, so only REAL PEOPLE evolve. I guess if you don't use a condom, then you have not evolved and you are still a pig. Evolution is A CHOICE now! You've got the POWER! You create your own DESTINY!
People! Don't degrade yourself with stupid, atheistic, secular thinking that you were a cosmic accident that evolved by improbable blind chance (est. 1 in 10^120 chance)!
You were created in God's image! Did you forget? Well, let me help remind you.
Genesis 1:26-27 (English Standard Version)
26Then God said,A)">(A) "Let us make mana]">[a] in our image,B)">(B) after our likeness. AndC)">(C) let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
27So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
D)">(D) male and female he created them.
Genesis 2:7 (English Standard Version)
7then the LORD God formed the man ofA)">(A) dust from the ground andB)">(B) breathed into hisC)">(C) nostrils the breath of life, andD)">(D) the man became a living creature.
My God doesn't need millions of years to "evolve man". He created man and woman in one day.
My God is an Awesome GOD!